Tuesday, December 6, 2022

 How to distinguish bad luck from a curse

 How to distinguish bad luck from a curse

Human beings have a tendency to very easily suspect another of doing something bad against us. If we are unlucky we consider that someone has cast an evil spell on us or even their jealousy has negatively affected our lives.  When we start to think this way it is hard to convince ourselves that ups and downs are part of life and there doesn't have to be black magic behind it. Sometimes it is completely ordinary to have a worse time, a gloomy mood and a bad mood. So it's good to know what to focus on to make sure we are not victims of a curse.
The curse must always be associated with someone or something, for example, with a particular object, the use of which you bring misfortune upon yourself. Or, for example, unpleasant events occur cyclically, on the same days, at the same time or at equal intervals. This would suggest that someone is responsible for what happens to us, but if everything happens in an unexpected, unstructured way then it is simply life, for which we must be ready. Then we know that just as unexpectedly as misfortunes, something good will come to us.
Such variability is perfectly natural. The curse would have to stand out significantly among other unpleasant events that happen to everyone from time to time. We would have to experience some major misfortune, falling unexpectedly. After all, the curse acts immediately after it is cast, and its effect is not gradual, but sudden and intense. If we think about it, such experiences we usually do not have. Sometimes it so happens that the number of unpleasant experiences is so large that it seems that it can not be something natural. Unfortunately, it doesn't have to be a curse, because misfortunes attract themselves, especially when we give in to them. If, instead of fighting against adversity, we become depressed, feel sorry for ourselves and do nothing, it's almost certain that instead of improvement the situation will get worse. Here, however, we will do without magic, but someone close to us who will listen and support us or a psychologist who will also help us get out of a temporary slump can be helpful.
It is also important to remember not to immediately believe someone who tells us that a curse has been cast on us. There are dishonest people who pretend to be psychics, taking advantage of people's misfortunes and gullibility. When something bad happens in our lives we are eager to believe that it is the workings of a curse and willingly submit to cleansing rituals. Unfortunately, most scammers just take advantage of the fact that a particular customer is having a hard time and are easily manipulated. Let's be sensitive to such people who offer to help us for a large sum of money, this is a sign that their desire to help us is insincere. All that has been written above, however, does not undermine the fact that curses really work. It is impossible to explain every misfortune by their action, but it is also necessary to know how to recognize them. Before you just start removing curses with a medium or on your own, it's good to make sure that it's not just a worse time in your life. We wrote earlier that the action of the curse must be related to something. So the person casting such a spell must first get an object that belongs to us. So it is suspicious when something is lost to us, most likely, however, not something expensive, but a trinket that we often use or carry with us. It could be a hairbrush, a file. Depending on the spell, it may come back to us after some time, however, they will already be the carrier of the curse, or we will never get it back.
It is also necessary to ask ourselves whether there is someone who would want or have a reason to put a curse on us. By observing such people, we can confirm the belief that someone is responsible for what happens to us. If almost at the same time that something bad happens to us, our enemy is favored by good luck in the same sphere, then we should feel concerned, although of course this is not yet tantamount to a curse. Only a few clues indicating this, and preferably the opinion of a trusted medium, can give us confidence and help resolve the situation. For your own safety, you need to be cautious.

What is Kundalini?

 What is Kundalini. Translated from Sanskrit to "coiled serpent," it describes the energy that rests, often dormant, coiled at the base of the spine. When it rises or awakens, it can cause a range of experiences and symptoms. Kundalini is considered life force energy, meaning it is the main source of inner power. We all have it, but not all of us have experienced it as "awakening." Everything you are, think, remember, that you can visualize - everything - is your consciousness - This is Kundalini.

This energy, traditionally considered feminine (sometimes called Kundalini Shakti), is only able to flow freely when the chakras are completely clean and open. The chakras are like gateways to dimensions of perception. For many, blocked chakras do not allow Kundalini energy to flow.
What causes the awakening of awakening?
The truth is that there is no single answer to this question. For some, Kundalini awakening can occur after years of cultivating spiritual practice. Doing Snake yoga , meditation, etc. But equally well, it can happen spontaneously, without prior training.
Kundalini growth is an automatic phenomenon - and can happen within any type of spiritual discipline, in any style of yoga. So it's not something you should necessarily look for.
Through the practice of enriching your spirituality and inner world, you can eventually become so neutral and balanced that you know you have reached a place of total awakening. 

What is Kundalini?

The difference between Snake awakening and spiritual awakening can be difficult to discern in the moment. It is not always possible to know if our energy is increasing or if we are going through a different kind of spiritual experience. We may have instances of Snake awakening, and then we may also have instances of the upper chakras opening. They don't have to be related, but they can be.
Opening of the upper chakras can manifest as sudden realizations, visions, insights, connecting with spirits, psychic insights, experiences of sudden feelings of love out of nowhere and more - but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the Snake.
Simply put, awakening can be classified as a type of spiritual awakening , but spiritual awakening is not always related to Kundalini.
If you are not sure what you are experiencing, the best method would be to seek the guidance of a spiritual teacher or guide.

 Magic talismans and their meaning

 Magic talismans and their meaning

Magical talismans. Human history has been marked by the belief that the use of certain objects can provide the wearer with support, protection or certain virtues or attributes. However, the attributes were bestowed by God or a specific deity, depending on the person's belief system and the characteristics of the request.
What is a talisman? The dictionary defines a talisman as "an object, usually a ring or stone with an inscription, believed to have magical powers and bring good luck." The origin of the word seems to go back to the mid-17th century Arabic, tilsam, perhaps a variant of the late Greek telesma , meaning 'completion of a religious rite', from telein 'to complete, perform a rite', from telos 'result , end'. The etymology of the word, the study of its origin, gives us good clues as to how to define their meaning.

We see gemstones and talismans as tools to connect us with our intentions and our spirituality. These objects can be items displayed or kept in your environment, such as your home or workplace. Or they can be worn on you, like jewelry.

Many people use the words talisman and amulet interchangeably. However, there are several important nuances between the two terms. An amulet is defined as "an ornament or small piece of jewelry designed to protect against evil, danger or disease."
Talisman: attract positive energies and power

Amulet: repel negative energies and gives protection
Religion and magical talismans

Some people may reject the use of talismans or amulets because of religious principles, but this depends on the accepted point of view. A religious person might conclude that believing in an object rather than in God is sacrilegious. We see gemstones and talismans as tools to connect us to our intentions and our spirituality, but we do not see this as contradictory to religious principles. Our personal opinion is that gemstones and talismans as symbols of God's grace are compatible with religious principles.

Crystals in the Bible
The Christian Bible repeatedly refers to various gemstones. Since each of the twelve tribes of Israel was associated with a specific gemstone, there was much debate about the true nature of some of the gems mentioned. Because the names were not the same and there is some ambiguity as to which stones are involved. However, the list revolves around carnelian, olivine, emerald, turquoise, sapphire, amethyst, agate, quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, jasper and topaz.

Crystal talismans in history
Our history has given us many stories, myths and historical anecdotes that show the use of crystal talismans around the world. Many cultures give us information through their mythology and folklore, which link crystals and gemstones with supernatural properties.
An example of a crystal talisman is obsidian. A type of volcanic glass that many ancient civilizations believed to have protective properties associated with the invisible spirit world. Different cultures (that never even met!) all associated protection from negative energies with this particular mineral

 How to distinguish bad luck from a curse

 How to distinguish bad luck from a curse Human beings have a tendency to very easily suspect another of doing something bad against us. If ...